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[임상특강] Extraction Socket Management (32)
[임상특강] Extraction Socket Management (32)
  • 구기태 교수
  • 승인 2018.07.26 13:32
  • 댓글 0
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Peri-implant Disease and Conditions; 2017 World Workshop(2)

지난 7월 연재에서 2017 WWP(2017 World Workshop proceedings)의 Work group 4에서 다룬 ‘PERI-IMPLANT DISEASES AND CONDITIONS’의 전체적인 개요와 함께 새로운 분류인 Periimplant Health, Periimplant Mucositis 그리고 Periimplantitis를 알아보고, Periimplant Health와 Periimplant Mucositis에 대해 좀 더 심도 있게 조사해봤다. 이번 호에서는 마지막 분류인 Peri-implantitis에 대해 논의된 내용을 살펴보고 The Etiology of Hard and Softtissue Deficiencies at Dental Implants, Case Definitions and Diagnostic Considerations 그리고 Consensus Report에 대해 알아보겠다. 

사실 이번 2017 WWP의 Peri-implant Disease and Conditions의 새로운 분류에서 주목해야 할 점은 단순히 임플란트 주변의 Bone Loss가 있다고 Peri-implantitis라고 판단하지 않고, Bone Support가 감소된 경우에도 BOP가 없고 염증소견의 육안관찰이 되지 않는 경우는 Peri-implant Health 상태로 분류하고, Supporting Bone의 Progressive Loss가 있는 경우에 Peri-implantitis로 분류했다는 점이다. 또한 탐침 깊이의 Range로는 Peri-implant Disease and Conditions을 구분하고 진단하기는 무리가 있음을 지적했다.

2017 WWP의 Peri-implantitis에 대한 논의는 6가지 Topic으로 이뤄졌다. 주제는 다음과 같다; 1)Periimplantitis의 정의 2)Periimplant Mucositis에서 Periimplantitis로의 전환 3)병소 진행의 Onset과 Pattern 4)Periimplantitis의 특징 5)Periimplantitis의 Risk factors/indicators 그리고 6)연조직 염증의 부재 시 Progressive Crestal Bone Loss

위의 6가지 주제에 대해 나름의 결론을 내렸다. 그것을 정리하면 다음과 같다.

임플란트에서 관찰되는 Hard and Softtissue Deficiencies에 대한 Etiology에 관한 토의를 살펴보면, 다음과 같이 9가지 Factors가 있고, 이들은 단독으로 혹은 함께 원인이 될 수 있다; 1)Systemic Diseases and Conditions of the Patients; 2)Systemic Medications; 3)Processes of Tissue Healing; 4)Tissue Turnover and Tissue Response to Clinical Interventions; 5)Trauma to Orofacial Structures; 6)Local Diseases Affecting the Teeth, the Periodontium, the Bone and the Mucosa; 7)Biomechanical Factors; 8)Tissue Morphology and Tissue Phenotype; and 9)Iatrogenic Factors.

그리고 위의 9가지 Factors는 발치, 외상, 치주염과 같은 감염질환, 근관 감염, 성장 이상, 상악동 확장, 해부학적 전조건, 기계적 오버로드, 얇은 연조직, 각화 점막 부족, 임플란트의 비정상적 위치, 치아 이동, 그리고 전신질환 등과 같은 원인들로 인한 Natural Resorption Process와 함께 Hard and Softtissue Deficiencies에 대한 Etiological Factors가 될 수 있다.

Work group 4에서 Peri-implant Healthy Tissues, Periimplant Mucositis 그리고 Periimplantitis를 구분하고 정의하고 진단하는 기준을 토의한 내용을 살펴보자.

먼저, Peri-implant health는 다음과 같다; 1)임플란트 주변의 연조직에 염증소견의 부재, 2)초기 힐링 후에 추가적으로 더 진행되는 bone loss의 부재.

Peri-implant mucositis에 대한 진단은; 1)BOP후 30초 이내의 Bleeding 같은 임플란트 주변의 연조직에 염증소견 존재, 2)초기 힐링 후에 추가적으로 더 진행되는 bone loss의 부재. 

Peri-implantitis에 대한 임상적 정의는 1)임플란트 주변의 연조직에 염증소견 존재, 2)초기 힐링 이후에 Bone Loss에 대한 Radiographic Evidence, 3) 보철물 체결 직후, 탐침 깊이에 비해 증가되는 탐침 깊이, 그리고 예전 방사선 사진 부재 시 BOP와 함께 Radiographic Bone Level ≥3mm와 6mm 이상의 탐침 깊이가 관찰될 때 Peri-implantitis라고 진단하고 정의했다<完>.

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